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Former Google CEO Urges Caution as AI Advances

Former Google CEO: A time will come to consider ‘unplugging’ AI system

Former Google CEO Eric Schmidt has expressed concerns about the advancing power of artificial intelligence, warning that it may reach a ‘dangerous’ level in the future. In an interview with ABC News, Schmidt stated, ‘When the system can self-improve, we need to seriously think about unplugging it.’ He underscored the necessity for humanity to be prepared to step back from AI should it evolve beyond control.

Looking forward, Schmidt projected that AI technologies could one day define their own objectives, a notion he elaborates on in his co-authored book with former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger titled ‘Genesis.’ In this book, he discusses the challenge of harnessing the ‘incredible power’ of AI while safeguarding human dignity and values.

During the interview, Schmidt remarked, ‘It’s going to be hugely hard. It’s going to be very difficult to maintain that balance.’ He pointed out that the rapid development of AI technologies poses significant risks and challenges in regulation and oversight.

In regard to global competition, particularly with China, Schmidt noted that America, which was once at the forefront of AI development, is now in a race with China that it must win. He indicated that, ‘The Chinese are clever, and they understand the power of a new kind of intelligence for their industrial might, their military might, and their surveillance system.’

The former CEO advocated for stronger regulatory measures to create ‘guardrails’ around AI development. He argued, ‘Humans will not be able to police AI, but AI systems should be able to police AI.’ This assertion highlights the critical need for mechanisms that can oversee AI as it becomes more autonomous.

Furthermore, Schmidt suggested that the upcoming Trump administration may present opportunities for improved AI policies, indicating a move towards more active engagement in shaping the future of this technology.

As discussions on AI ethics and safety continue to unfold, Schmidt’s warnings serve as an important reminder of the responsibility that comes with technological advancement.